Who is this course for?

  • If you want to heal your wounds 

  • To gain clarity about your life purpose 

  • To bring balance into your life 

  • Want to gain more knowledge of manifestation and work with law of attraction 

  • To understand your higher self, goals and alignment 

  • To become more mindful about your life choices 

  • To create an aligned and balanced life of desires and warmth

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to the Course

    • Introduction to the Course (CAL_LOA)

    • Copyright Notice

  • 2

    Module 1 (Align with your Mind)

    • 1. Mind Mastery

    • 2. Subconscious Mind

    • 3. Journal to Master & Align with your Mind

    • 4. Connect with your Subconscious Guided Meditation

  • 3

    Module 2 (Align with Emotions)

    • 1. What are Emotions?

    • 2. Emotional Healing

    • 3. Align with your Emotions

    • 4. Emotions Healing Guided Meditation

  • 4

    Module 3 (Aligh with Law of Attraction)

    • 1. Law of Attraction

    • 2. Align with Law of Attraction notes

    • 3. Manifest through Affirmations

    • 4. Guided Manifestation Meditation

    • 5. Manifest via Affirmations Creation

  • 5

    Module 4 (Clarity Alignment)

  • 6

    Module 5 (Create you Aligned Life)

    • 1. Initial Steps towards creating your aligned life

    • 2. Final Steps towards your aligned life

    • 3. Aligned Life

    • Vision Board Ref.

Instructor - Nirali Desai

I have made this course to help you create clarity and generate energy to live a fulfilled life. Every word comes from my heart and I hope it gives you beautiful Result.

Nirali Desai

Namaste, I help people find clarity through tarot cards, COURSES, and 1:1 spiritual coaching to have a joyful life and the life they desire. People normally say I am very kind as a human and my readings and coaching sessions are most likely like a hug when they need it the most and it melts my heart. I’ve also held tarot readings for corporates and have been predicting for zodiac signs on various broadcast channels like Astrovaani, Astrology TV, Jyotish Dunia & Jyotish TV. Impressive right? ​ Let me help you to find you. Love, Nirali Desai

Course Testimonial


Because you make me reflect through questions, introspect, redirect my thoughts... I have significantly changed how I deal with people. This is giving me new leadership opportunities at work. Hence learning and growing 🌈 Thank you so much! I'm loving this program. I am able to manage my emotions so that I take better logical decisions and definitely serving me a lot

Course Testimonial


I have become so consistent in general. Just making it a daily habit to meditate for a little bit and fill in my journal has helped me supremely. All the knowledge that you have passed on about our mindset and the techniques you have taught us are extremely handy and so doable. Thank you so much for all the guidance. I have been feeling much more headstrong and calm and very excited to embrace the new. It's been lovely.


  • How long is this course and timings?

    This course is absolutely self-paced, it offers flexibility. You can learn in your own comfort zone and time.

  • Do I get a refund?

    Since this is a mini-course, no refunds are initiated.

  • Do I get a lifetime access?

    You get a lifetime access and the content would be updated every 6 months.